Fresh out of the factory, the Carver 3607's forward head is split with the sink and hanging locker on starboard and the toilet and shower to port. What does that mean to non-boaters? As you are standing in the bathroom at the front of the boat facing the bow (front), the sink is to your right and the toilet and shower are to your left. You pass through the "bathroom" to get to the vee-berth.
On m/v Rhumb Line, that head area has been converted into clothes storage, a changing table, and more clothes storage for the girls. During our first couple years aboard the boat we rarely used this cramped toilet space and micro-sized sink. Now we find ourselves up there multiple times a day. As we went through the invariable nesting that most first-time parents obsess over, we converted the head to clothes and diaper storage as well as a drop-down changing table for Freja. Now it serves as a changing table for Matilda and Freja uses the toilet. When I forget to put the changing table up, she has even figured out how to squeeze under it to use toilet.
A view of Matilda's clothes. Yes, she's small,
but she has enough clothes for multiple outfit changes per day.
Changing table up . . .
and dropped down.
clean, fresh diapers
the starboard side with Freja's clothes under the sink
and dresses, coats, and clothes that don't quite fit yet in the locker behind the mirror.
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